Hello, I am


Web and App Developer

Resume Download
1  class Person {
2      constructor() {
3        this.name = "Sunanda Samanta";
4        this.traits = ["LEARN", "DEV"];
5        this.age = 21;
6      }
7  }

My Skillsets

About Me

Hi, I'm Sunanda Samanta, a passionate web and app developer from India, currently Studying at UEM, jaipur. I tend to make use of modern web technologies to build websites that look great, feel fantastic, and function correctly.

My education has provided me with variety of knowledge,Information and practical skills primarily in java, C++, Data structures, Algorithm and Software Engineering. I have developed further my skills in JavaScript, node, express as a back-end developer. I also learn many extra knowledge like React, webRTC, socket.io etc. I can help you with these knowledge.

“Simplicity is the baddest choice to be the best.“


“Simplicity is the soul of efficiency.”


“I know I’m not successful enough, but I’m passionate enough not to worry about success.“


My Projects

CloudDrive - Storage Drive Manager

It's a web app, where you can manage all your storage drives like google drive, dropbox, etc.

Core Technologies:   Node.js, React.js

My-cmd-cli - Npm package

You can add multiple executable command with a name. When you run this name, every command will execute sequencially.

Core Technologies:   Node.js, Inquirer.

ByteCall - Meeting

It's an end-to-end video Meeting Web application like Google meet. You can call and Share your screen also here. It's made using Nodejs, express, socket.io and webRTC.

Core Technologies:   Node.js, Express.js, WebRTC, Socket.io, CSS.


I made many frontent site on various topics

Core Technologies:   HTML, CSS, Javascript

AppStore - Backend

Anyone can join and publish their application on AppStore. Like Google Playstore or appstore

Core Technologies:   JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, JSON, MongoDB, Firebase Hosting.

Blogging Site - Multiple Author

descriptionIt's a Blogging site like Medium. Anyone can Create their account and post any article. It's created with reactjs, Nextjs and firestore.

Core Technologies:   React.js, TypeScript, Redux, FirebaseDB, Firebase Hosting, Firebase Authentication.

Whatzz Chat

It is a chatting application like WhatsApp in flutter. Used firebase as database and agora.io api for video calling system.

Core Technologies:   Flutter, FirebaseDB.


It's a food delivery application like real Zomato. It's made using PHP, bootstrap, Mysql.

Core Technologies:   PhP, jQuery, mySQL, CSS, SCSS, HTML5.
